Ordinary 22A – Gospel and Psalm art

Bulletin covers, coloring pages, and worship screen drawings for this Sunday’s lectionary readings for Psalm 105 and Matthew 16: 12-28.

Donors and subscribers may copy & download the art for use 🙂

Ordy 22Acol Ordy 22A Ordy 22Acolv Ordy 22Av Ordy22A Psalm 105 art Psalm 105 coloring page Psalm 105 v 2 Psalm 105

Ordinary 17 A – Psalm 105 art

Psalm art and coloring pages for Ordinary 17A.

Coloring pages are great ways of teaching the faith to our church kids and their families, especially during this time of pandemic isolation 🙂
Subscribers and donors may copy and download for use.

Psalm 105 v 2

Psalm 105

Psalm 105 v 2

Psalm 105

