Christ Candle Art for churches

Christ Candle art for bulletins, postcards, newsletters, social media, and worship screens.

Twenty Christ Candle drawings which donors and subscribers can copy and download in various sizes for use.

Other Advent series can be found here: Advent.

Advent coloring pages can be found here: Advent coloring.

Advt2023b5col  ADVT2305b

ADVT2205CCcol  Advent20225col

AV5colp  ADVT2105C

ADVC20195  2019 Christ Candle

Christ Candle whirl  Christ Candle

Christ Candle  Christ Candle

Christ candle  ccd

2015 Christ Candle  Christ Candle 2015

can24  Christ Candle-2014

ChristNouveau  Christ Candle

New Advent Candle Series

I’ve just completed a new series for Advent. The drawings are posted below.

Subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use.

ADC2301  ADC2302

ADC2303  ADC2304


Advent Coloring pages

Advent candle coloring pages which can be used in bulletins, newsletters, worship services, children’s programs, and Sunday school classes.

Subscribers and donors can download various sizes for use.

Advt2023b1  Advt2023b2

Advt2023b3  Advt2023b4


ADVT2301col  ADVT2302col

ADVT2303col  ADVT2304col


ADVT2201H  ADVT2202P

ADVT2203J  ADVT2204L


Advent20221  Advent20222

Advent20223  Advent20224


AV1col  AV2COL

AV3col  AV4col


01 Hope  02 Peace

Advent 3 Joy  04 Love

Advent 01  Advent 2

Advent 3  Advent 4

Christ candle

Advent Candle Art for bulletins

Some of my Advent Candle art series. Subscribers and donors can download assorted sizes.

I’ll post some coloring pages later this week.

You can view all my Advent drawings at this link: Stushie Advent candles

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Advt2023b4col Advt2023b5col

ADVT2301b ADVT2302b ADVT2303b

ADVT2304b ADVT2305b

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ADVT2204Lcol ADVT2205CCcol

Advent20221col Advent20222col Advent20223col

Advent20224col Advent20225col

AV1colp AV2COLp AV3colp

AV4colp AV5colp



Advent Candle art – Series B

My second series of Advent drawings and coloring sheets for 2023.

The drawings have no titles on them. The usual order is Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, but some churches do the order differently. The Joy or pink Laudate candle is for the third Sunday in Advent. I’ve also added a Christ Candle drawing which can be used on Christmas Day or the Sunday after Christmas.

Subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes. See sidebar/menu for details.

My other Advent series for this year can be found at this link: Advent 2023 series A.

Advt2023b1col  Advt2023b2col

Advt2023b3col  Advt2023b4col

Advt2023b5col  Advt2023b1

Advt2023b2  Advt2023b3

Advt2023b4  Advt2023b5

Advent Art and Coloring pages

My first new Advent series for this year – can be used for bulletins, newsletters, coloring pages, postcards, and worship screens. Subscribers and donors may copy and download various sizes for use.

Inspired by my recent visit to Cordoba, Spain.


ADVT2302   ADVT2303

ADVT2304   ADVT2305



ADVT2302b   ADVT2303b

ADVT2304b   ADVT2305b

Coloring Pages


ADVT2302col   ADVT2303col

ADVT2304col   ADVT2305col

Christ Candle bulletins

Christ Candle bulletin covers and worship screens.
Subscribers and donors may download and use 🙂

Advent coloring pages can be found at this link: Advent Coloring

Other Christmas Eve art and Christmas Day art can be found at these links:

Christmas Eve        Christmas Day

ADVT2205CCcol Advent20225col ADVT2105C

2019 Christ Candle ADVC20195 Christ Candle

Christ Candle Christ Candle whirl Christ Candle

Christ candle Christ Candle Christ Candle-2014