Pentecost art and coloring pages

Over the years, I’ve created many Pentecost drawings for churches. The following Pentecost art pieces and Pentecost coloring pages include my latest Pentecost designs for this year. These can be used for both the Common and Narrative lectionaries.

Paid subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use. See menu or sidebar for details.



Spirit2024col  Spirit2024

Spirit of 24L

Spirit of 24

Celtic PromisecolL

Celtic Promisecol Celtic Promise

Celebrationcol Celebration

Promisedcol Pentec24

Pent24col Pent24



ZCTb Spirit for All Seasons

Firefall Firefall



Spirit of Pentecost 23 Spriti of pentecost 23

Pentcomm23col Pentcomm23






SpiritFilled SpiritFilled

Narrative Lectionary art – Year 2 Easter 7 – 1 Corinthians 15

Narrative lectionary art and coloring page for Easter 7 of Year 2 – 1 Corinthians passage.

Paid subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes. See menu for details.

Easter 7 Year 2

Easter 7 Year2 col

Easter 7 Year2 pic

Easter 7 Year2 pic2

Narrative Lectionary art – Year 2 Easter 6

Narrative Lectionary art – Year 2 Easter 6 1 Corinthians 13 art and coloring page.

Paid subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes.

Easter 6 Year 2col

Easter 6 Year 2

Narrative Lectionary – Year 2 Easter 5 – Paul making Tents

Apostle Paul making tents in Corinth – bulletin art and coloring page – from Acts 18.

Paid subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes.

Easter 5 Year 2 Acts 18col

Easter 5 Year 2 Acts 18

Narrative Lectionary Art: Year 2 Easter 2

Narrative Lectionary art for Easter 2 Year 2.

Acts 1:1-14 – The Ascension of Christ

Subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use.

Easter 2 Year 2 Ascension

Easter 2 Year 2 Ascension cp

Easter 2 Year 2 Acts 1col

Easter 2 Year 2 Acts 1

Narrative Lectionary art: Year 2 – Lent 5

Narrative Lectionary Year 2 Lent 5 Lesson of the Fig Tree and Jesus at the Temple.

Subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use.

Lent 5 fig treecol

Lent 5 fig tree

Lent 5 templecol

Lent 5 temple

Narrative Lectionary: Year 2 Lent 4

Narrative lectionary – Year 2 Lent 4 art for bulletins and coloring. Jesus and His commandments, as well as the story about the poor widow’s offering. Subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use.

Love wins col

Love wins



Narrative Lectionary art – Year 2 Lent 3

Narrative lectionary – Year 2 Lent 3 art for bulletins and coloring.

Parable of the wicked tenants, the lesson about Caesar’s coin, and Psalm 86.

Subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use.

Year 2 Lent 3

Year 2 Lent 3

Year 2 Lent 3

Year 2 Lent 3

Year 2 Lent 3 Psalm 86

Narrative Lectionary art: Year 2 – Lent 2

Year 2 Narrative Lectionary – Lent 2 art Bulletin art and coloring pages for Lent 2 of this year’s Narrative lectionary. (I am going to try to create weekly drawings for the Narrative lectionary, but it’s a new work in progress, so please be patient).

Subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use.

Ordy29Bcol  Ordy29B

Can You  Can You

Can You



Bartimaeus coloring page