Lenten Cross art and coloring pages

Lenten crosses are very traditional throughout the Christians. I’ve drawn many Lenten Crosses over the years and added new ones this year. These Lenten crosses can be used for bulletins, banners, family programs, and even postcards. Subscribers and donors can copy and download the Lenten Cross drawings in various sizes for use.

LCross24  LCross24p

The Way Aheadc  The Way Ahead

The Way Aheadt  LentenCrossbw

Lent2020  Lent2020bw

Lent2020P  Lenten Bridgeb

Lent  Faithfocus

Lent Healing  LHW

Lenten Cross  Lent Changes Everything

Lent and Holy Week art for bulletins

Lent and Holy Week art for bulletins, banners, newsletters, postcards, social media, and worship screens. Subscribers and donors can copy and download various sizes for use.

Other art will be posted in the coming weeks.

Lent24  Lent24sep

Lent24bw  LentenCcsep

LentenCross  LentenCrossbw

LentenCrossp  LentenCrosssep

LentenCb  LentenCbp

LentenCbbw  LentenCbsep