christmas art: Nativity nap time

Nativity Nap Time

53 thoughts on “christmas art: Nativity nap time

  1. Love this piece! Could we please use this image for a mid-sized banner that will be placed up in our sancuary for just the Advent season 2010? We can put you name on the piece?

    Thank you for considering it!

    Margie Broman

  2. I’m a christian in Thailand, member of Creation Bangkok Church, staff of Creation Book and Media Publishing. I love your picture and like to ask for allowance to use this picture on booklet cover (for gospel evangelist) and on invitation card to my church Christmas’celebrate.

  3. I love your picture and like to ask for allowance to use this picture on booklet cover (for gospel evangelist) and on invitation card to my church Christmas’celebrate.

  4. I love this sweet portrayal of baby Jesus. I was wondering if you would allow me to use this artwork on a Christian nonprofit organization Christmas letter? Each year, I try to find a different artistic expression of Christ’s birth for the letter. I deeply appreciate your consideration. Thank you.


    1. Thanks Karen for the request. I would be happy to grant you permission if you would let me know what nonprofit this would be used for?


  5. Hi! Would you mind if we used this image as a small thumbnail in our Christmas church newsletter?

    Would really appreciate it!

    God bless!


  6. Sorry, I would like to ask for sure that Do you allow me to use this picture for both of booklet cover and invitation card?
    For booklet cover (Gospel evangelist) We make it in the name of Creation Book and Media Pulishing. Some will distribute to christians and churches, and some for sale. (profit is so little,but it useful for us to produce next book ^^)
    You can visit us at (there are English version) and (our christian book pulishing)
    thank you so much for your kindness 🙂

  7. This is a lovely and evocative image for Christmas. Would it be possible for our church to use it on our Christmas carol service and crib service sheets? It is so nice to come across something new and original.

    With thanks for your consideration


  8. Hello, we would be grateful to know if we could please have your permission to use this beautiful and peaceful image on our card to be distributed to parishioners which will be detailing the times of church services over the advent period 2010?
    Thanking you for your consideration,

  9. Hi,

    Your artwork is riveting. I edit a newsletter that goes to about 300 missionaries working overseas. Would it be possible to use “Nativity Nap Time” in the Christmas letter? Thanks for your consideration. Also, thanks for the time you devote to your art.


    1. Hi Terry, thanks for the encouragement. please feel free to use the artwork for your newsletter. God bless you in His ministry.
      John Stuart

  10. I was combing the web to find an image to post as my Facebook profile to help us keep our minds on the true meaning of Christmas, and found this drawing of yours. It is just what I was looking for, but wasn’t sure how you’d feel about my using it for that purpose. I would definitely include your website with it.

    If you’d rather I didn’t use it this way, I totally understand!!


  11. I love your artwork and plan to show your blog to my students at school. Thank you for the reminder of what is important during this season….Christ!

  12. Stushie ~ We just discovered your artwork – it’s wonderful and creative! I am a pastor in the mid-west and my wife and I were looking for artwork to use for our Christmas card to our congregation. “O Holy Night” would be perfect for this year. We will only use this with your permission. Thank you!

    1. Tom, I am glad you enjoy the artwork. Please feel free to use it for your card. God bless your ministry.
      John Stuart

  13. Dear Stushie,
    I love your artwort. I am a Youth Minister and student at Columbia Theological Seminary. I am leading worship for our class and would love to use your Christmas Art Nativity Nap as the cover of my bulletin. May I please use it? I only want to use it with your permission.
    God bless you during this special and holy season!

    1. Hi Allison, thank you for the request. Please feel free to use the image for your work. God bless your ministry.

      John Stuart

  14. Thank you so much for allowing our church to use this wonderful and evocative image in our service flyers. May we have permission to use it for a poster and card for our parishioners as well next year?
    I see from all the comments that this picture has been a great blessing already!

  15. I love your art work!

    I serve a Lutheran church as the Children and Family Ministry Director.

    We would LOVE to use Nativity Nap time as the bulletin cover for Chldren’s Christmas Program.

    Would this be possible?


    1. Sheryl, thank you for your kind words and request. Please feel free to use the artwork for your church’s children’s program. Enjoy and God bless!

      John Stuart

  16. I concur with the many comments on your blog regarding your art work. You are using the gifts God gave you for beautiful purposes. Our church would like to use “Nativity Nap Time” for it’s bulletin cover and possibly power point for a Christmas Eve worship service. Is this possible?

    Thank you and Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you Lori. I am so pleased that my artwork is delighting so many people. Please feel free to use the drawing for your church. God bless you ministry for Christ.

      John Stuart

  17. So beautiful!

    May I please use this gorgeous image in some private emails to friends this year? I will, of course, say where the picture came from and provide a link. And, wow, what a lovely picture.

    Wishing you great peace and happiness,


  18. Thank you so much John.
    I can’t tell you how much your lovely image, and your kindness, has touched me.
    Thank you so much (I’ll send you a copy of the email too!)
    Have a very happy and peaceful Christmas.


  19. I am prparing the program for our Christmas Eve Service at Henrietta Christian Fellowship. Could I have your permission to use this picture for the cover?

  20. Hi, I would like permission to use your beautful art on our Christmas bulletin this year. Of course, I will print where to art came from.

    Barb 🙂

    1. Thanks, Barb, for asking for permission. Please feel free to use the artwork for your church. God bless you…:)

      John Stuart aka Stushie

  21. Hi,
    I’m with the Cookeville History Museum in Cookeville, Tennessee. We’re getting ready to show a collection of nativities from around the world starting in November and would love to use this piece in promotional work. We’re a free, non-profit museum, and we all fell in love with this image as soon as we saw it. Of course we will print were the image came from and only use it with your permission.

    Thank you so much,


    1. Hi Amy, thanks for the email. I’d be delighted for you to use the image in this way. I live in Knoxville, TN, so I will be very happy that other Tennesseans will get to see this drawing. Thanks for the request. God bless you….:)

  22. Your piece is beautiful! I would like to request permission to use it as a guide for a similar project with my fifth grade class at our Catholic elementary school. Thank you for sharing this with the world! God bless!

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